Wednesday 6 April 2016

Fuel scarcity to end by next week-Nigerian minister of state for petroleum ( Crises de carburant va terminer- Le ministre de l'etat de petroleum)


 Par la grace de Dieu la crise de carburant parer par demaintout dans le pays de Nigeria va terminer,
 dit par Le ministre de l'etat de petroleum Nigerian-Monsieur Kachikwu.Il a promis que
  les crises de carburant persistant finiront.

Le ministre a dit aussi que le gouvernment federale va augmenter le prix de carburant par le mois prochaine.


• NNPC discharges 320m litres of petrol
• Govt may adjust fuel price next month
• Presidency dissolves task force on power sector reform
“Hopefully by tomorrow (today) and Thursday, the fuel queues in Abuja should be over. Hopefully, the same thing will happen in Lagos, and thereafter by the weekend, we should see Kano, Katsina, Sokoto, Port Harcourt and Warri get off the queue list.”
With these words yesterday, the Minister of State for Petroleum Resources, Dr. Ibe Kachikwu, reassured the nation that the lingering fuel scarcity would be a forgotten hardship by the end of the week.
An indication that the minister’s promise may come to pass was that a stock of 320 million litres of petrol was being distributed across the country yesterday.
Meanwhile, the Federal Government has dissolved the presidential task force set up by the Goodluck Jonathan administration to drive the implementation of the reform in the nation’s electricity sector. But the reasons for this move were not disclosed.
Kachikwu said government may review the price of petrol upward next month (May) if the prices of crude oil continued to push up. The minister, who spoke in Abuja when he paid a scheduled working visit to the Petroleum Products Pricing Regulatory Agency (PPPRA), clarified that government had not re-introduced subsidy.
He explained that what had been saved up in the first three months of price modulation in a dedicated account in the Central Bank of Nigeria (CBN) would be used to offset the gap in the price for April.
His words: “Government is funding the price gap we have in April with what has been saved in the last few months of over-recovery. But by May, the prices may be reviewed to march the current trend in the pricing.”
According to Kachikwu, there is no reason Nigeria should not adopt the right policies as hard as they are and as difficult as they come to end the long queues for fuel at the filling stations. The minister also said the queues were expected to end in Abuja and Lagos before the end of the week.

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