Saturday, 9 April 2016

Politicians go all out for voter registration in South Africa (politiciens vont tous dehors pour l'inscription des électeurs en afrique du sud


 Cape Town-

Beaucoup des politiciens en afrique du sud  est sorti en nombre pour la deuxième inscription des électeurs.Ils allaient de porte en porte pour la campagne de l’ANC.Mais beaucoup de sud africains ont perdu espoir dans Jacob Zuma en raison de récente inculpation de corruption sur lui.


Cape Town - Politicians were out in full force all over the country as the second round of voter registration for municipal and local elections got underway on Saturday with hitches in some places.
The Electoral Commission hoped that the second round would boost the existing voters’ roll of 25.6 million and register the estimated eight million eligible voters who are not registered yet.
It especially wants young people to register because 80% percent of the eligible voters not registered yet are under the age of 30.
The leadership of the ANC was out in their signature gold and green colours where they went on door-to-door campaigns, handing out party t-shirts to potential voters for the 13 August poll.

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