Wednesday, 30 March 2016

The traditional hunters in Ivory Coast wants to help the government to fight terrorists(Les Chasseurs traditionnels Dozos veulent combattre les jihadistes)

Les chassurs Ivorien voulait aider leur gouvernment pour combattre Al qaeda. Ils ont dit que "nous sommes ensemble pour lutter contre les hommes de diable avec nos fusils et pouvoir traditionnel.Seydou Traore qui est leur coordonnateur national dit que ils sont pret pour gagner les terroriste.

The Local hunters of Ivory Coast have unified to help the Ivory Coast government to fight terrorists that are gradually planting cells in their country.Their national leader Seydou Traore confirmed their readiness to defeat the evil religious sect.A lot of Innocent people were killed in the tourist beach of Grand Bassam,when some AK47 wielding men shot sporadically at them.

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