Saturday, 19 March 2016

The Bread Ambassador JUMOKE hits another deal

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Jumoke ‘Oni buredi’ adds bread ambassador to her ‘I-have-done’ list

Jumoke Orisaguna goes back to selling bread only this time it’s branded. She’s the new face of a bakery and has access to a steady supply of bread.
The question people are asking is “will I buy bread just because it has Jumoke’s face on it”? Yes, No, Maybe so…
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New Face Of Bread
Why bread of all things? Can’t she be awarded free education so she could encourage all the artisans out there who look up to her and are constantly praying for a helper like TY Bello?

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Face of branded bread.
Being brand ambassadors for banks and bakeries is a pretty great short-term deal despite the fact she was spotted through selling bread. David was spotted as a shepherd but when he became a king he embraced the future.
She was spotted through bread selling that doesn’t define who she will be and how far she can go. If she had better education, Olajumoke Orisaguna will understand the value of what she has been offered and will better utilize it.
The best endorsement she can get right now is an education. I bet she doesn’t even know she is now an intellectual property.

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