Tuesday 22 March 2016

A Chinese man was filmed enjoying centipedes...lol (Un homme Chinois etait filme lorsqu'il mange mille pattes...lol)

 Beaucoup des gens n'aiment pas les insectes dangereux qui bougent dans la terre,ainsi ils ne peuvent pas regardent les insectes avec les yeux. Dans un video qui a deja circule dans le reseau d'internet.On voit un homme Chinois qui mangent les milles pattes heureusement.....lol. Les Chinois sont magnifique.

Les milles pattes est populaire en Chine,parce que les milles pattes est toujours ultilise pour fabrique les medicament dans leur pays.Les Chinois utilisent les mille pattes pour le traitement de tuberculose et des cancers.
Most people may find creepy crawlies disgusting and won't even look at the but this man loves them so much he eats them. In a video believed to have been filmed in China and uploaded to LiveLeak, he is seen buying four huge centipedes from a food vendor before proceeding to chow them like they are the most delicious thing he's ever tasted.

Centipedes are popular in Chinese folk medicine where they are usually boiled down, dried in the sun, then smashed in a powder for use in herbal preparations. They are also used in the treatment of tuberculosis and certain cancers.

Just imagine those things come alive in his stomach and start crawling all over the place. Lol.

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